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Nightcliff Electrical in Darwin offer repairs and maintenance of lights and power points, switches, motors, ceiling fans, pool pumps, hot water services etc, on an hourly rate, or if required a free, no obligations quote can be carried out, so that all costs are known upfront.

Individual per item rates, hourly rates, and total installation T&T packages. Quotations can be provided for all elements of residential, commercial, and industrial test and tag.


Nightcliff Electrical in Darwin conduct electrical testing on a regular basis to ensure the operational function of safety switches is satisfactory to operate the circuit protection device.

Pre arranged progressive electrical work conducted on a regular basis by Nightcliff Electrical in Darwin to ensure operation of all lights and power is maintained and functional.

Nightcliff Electrical in Darwin offer heat sink imagery of switchboards, electric motors and motor start equipment to establish hot joints and loose electrical connections.

Nightcliff Electrical in Darwin conduct light audits on a regular basis, providing a full list of electrical repairs required. 


Nightcliff Electrical in Darwin are official Clipsal agents, delivering all installations of Clipal electrical products.


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